Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gun Response

I took my opportunity to finish the last assignment early and not make Professor Seago wait any longer than he has to. So, I ended up reading Daniel Rivera's blog post about Gun Control.

When I first began reading it, I noticed a few grammar mistakes but I continued on. He states that there are, "several bills that will allow gun possession to expand in Texas." However, in the entirety of the blog, Mr. Rivera only gave one bill to talk about. I was kind of surprised that he did not at least mention a second gun-possession bill.

When he did begin discussing the one example he gave, he expressed his disagreements with it. "I personally don’t see a need to have a gun at work inside your car." I do agree with his statements, but he could have elaborated further than just giving a few situational examples.

One point he did state was if people were angry or had limited shooting experience. From my knowledge, though I'm not 100 % sure, to legally possess a gun and permit you must have taken a training course with the type of gun you carry. Although, I do agree with him on the anger subject.

Finally, the last thing I noticed is that he did not link to an article about the one example bill he gave. Which is part of the criteria for the post.

- Blake

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