Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Critiquing a Right Leaned Blog

Alright, so I'm doing this blog a tad late again cause I was out for birthday dinner. (Yey me)

Today I'm going to be critiquing a post by Ron Miller, a friend of the owner of the actual blog.

Alright let's start it up! The author starts out pretty damn shaky in my opinion. The use of "reckon" and bad grammar in the beginning got me rolling my eyes, thinking, "Oh boy here we go." However, Miller began with a story about his adult life in the town Rowlett. When he began with this, he immediately fixed his grammar (which I was extremely thankful for) as well as stopped with the "Texan accent".

He alluded to how the town of Rowlett advanced and grew to the turning point it's at now, mentioning a lot about the towns value and possible connections. Seeing that he lived there for twenty plus years, I would assume he knows what he's talking about. His statements give off a pretty valid feel, and somewhat paint a picture in your head, which I think is a great way to draw people in.

Aside from his technique of drawing people in and implanting ideas in their head, he also asked the audience to make a choice. This stimulates the reader even more and makes them truly think and analyze what they had just read.

The intended audience would be the people living in Rowlett obviously but, I think everyone could gain something from reading this post. It kind of just makes you think in a good way. 

Finally to wrap this up, the author argues that the choice of "players on the team" is up to the people. The "players" obviously being politicians. He states, the readers should choose someone who knows what they're talking about when it comes to the towns set up and how it's going to go. His evidence of having this "knowledge of Rowlett" is shown previously through his previous "story".

Hope you guys enjoyed this blog, I'm off to go celebrate the last 45 minutes of my birthday :P